Butterfly without wings...

Butterfly without wings, Clutched and entwined in twigs..
IT gave away its colors to make the rainbow smile,
And tore its dream of flight  to make the sun shine that extra mile...

Now that the fluttering has stopped and
now that the muttering is silent...
Does that colorless throb and that wingless dream matter to anyone??
Or does that closing wet eyelashes mean anything to you??

The more you knock, the doors are closing tighter..
hiding secrets in the lock..
Heart has given up pumping life and body is exhausting with every moment passing by..

All thats gonna remain is the trail in sand..
Telling a tale of butterfly who hung on to faith and fought till the end...


  1. Heart touching ...

    and I love that picture it's you :)

  2. thanks dear n ya its my hand :)

  3. I just heard the news...the Delhi braveheart who passed away... den i read dis poem... cant help it but relate dem...

    Lovely writing..!!! :)

    1. we all are going through the same emotions :(

  4. Very touching poem! Loved the comparisons you made in the poem to bring out the emotions...Beautiful...

  5. Beautiful :)
    Renu - http://www.renuvyas.com/


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