There she was sitting on a rock still...

There she was sitting on a rock still, But her mind was rolling in circles like a twig caught up in a tornado… With so many questions to ask, She was quiet because she was overwhelmed… Deep down in the crevices of her core, something was hurting, And that something was hurting real bad… But she knows words won’t do justice to her spirits, And fights will only scratch the wounds further deep, For the souls responsible either are unaware or they don’t care… So there she was sitting on a rock still, For she knows she has the powers to selfheal… For the time had taught her many lessons and one was to be her own soothsayer, And how to have perfect conversations with herself. Only she knew the exact words her heart wanted to hear, Only she could soothe her pain, Because she had tried other ways but those just aggravated the aching. So there she was sitting on a rock still…